Wedding days generally require a lot of planning (and a thorough, comprehensive checklist) in order to pull off. You’ve probably already made 137 decisions and 17 contingency plans since you began the whole process too. But, no matter how much you plan, your wedding day is going to have at least one bump (if not, you’re super lucky).
The good news is you can be prepared for most of them. With a little work you can shrink big bumps into minor ones, and reduce minor bumps into something negligible. We’ve assembled a list of useful items for you to make your own wedding day emergency kit, so if any issue tries to sneak up on you, you’re prepared to handle it.
1. The Bag
We recommend a medium-sized tote with tons of pockets, or a backpack. You don’t have to buy a brand-new bag, but make sure to choose one you can do without for a while. It is important to select the bag first, so you can set it aside and start loading it up with your kit supplies so everything stays in one place.

When you start buying, check in with friends and family about what they wished they had on their own big days. They’re bound to have great advice.

2. Beauty Supplies
The beauty supplies are going to be a large and important part of your wedding emergency kit. Note: Buy sample sizes for everything you can. Then, you can toss the items into your honeymoon suitcase for your trip, or your gym bag.
Most brides get their hair and makeup professionally done, or at least have assistance. Even if you’re not enlisting the pros, we highly recommend a trial run to see what makeup you will need to repair during the day.
When you do your trial run, make sure to note all the products and if you can, buy duplicates. If you can’t afford duplicates of everything, you must include the lipstick and a backup tube of mascara.
Here are some other items you’ll need to have on hand. Before you buy, do a quick hunt around the house, because you probably already have at least a few of these items.
- Bobby pins for stray hairs
- Hairspray: Gotta keep things in place!
- Deodorant: Your body will be on hyperdrive. Even if you’re not normally not someone who sweats a lot, your big day isn’t a normal day after all.
- Nail polish remover: No one ever thinks of this! They bring nail polish to add but nothing to fix it.
- Nail polish: Something to match the color of your wedding-day manicure.
- Makeup wipes: For makeup mishaps, but also good if anyone gets a little sweaty.
- Concealer
- Q-tips: for makeup touchups
- Safety pins: for wardrobe touch-ups
- Rescue Remedy: if you’re calm, you’re beautiful
- Eye lash glue: so your lash doesn’t plop into your wine. We’ve seen it happen.
- Lingerie tape
- Disposable makeup applicators
- Disposable toothbrushes
- Mints

3. Practical Goods
Yes, your face and hair are going to require a ton of time and attention on your wedding day. However, there’s a lot you will need to attend to for you and your bridal party.
In addition to the beauty supplies, there’s a lot of things you might want on hand to keep you and your bridal party feeling calm and refreshed.

Keep in mind, you can delegate the creation of this wedding day emergency kit to your bridesmaids.
- Tampons and pads: Enough said. Someone in the bridal party will need one.
- Portable chargers: Some of the best pictures and memories from your wedding day will come from your friends’ phones. Make sure you can all keep them charged for photos, texts, and pump-up playlists.
- Imodium: for stressed-out stomachs
- Dramamine: for nausea
- Ibuprofen and cough drops
- White duct tape and wipes for the bride’s dress: If the bride is wearing white, the dress will be dirty. Keep up with it with these items and a Tide stain stick.
- Crazy glue
- First aid kit: everything you need for minor accidents. Don’t go overboard.
- Scissors: The idea of anyone yanking a stray thread make us shudder. Bring these for a clean break.
- Sewing kit
- Inserts and flats or flip-flops: everyone’s feet will be worn out by the end of the night. Save your toes!
- Snacks: It is surprising how much running around the entire bridal party will do on the day of the wedding. Pack plenty of healthy snacks with protein to keep everyone going. Think nuts, dried fruit, crackers, etc.
- Bottled water

4. Bonus “Splurge” Items
We’ve covered the practical items. If you still have room, then add some little splurge items to make things fun. Here are just a few ideas of things that won’t take up much space, but will add great memories.
- Mini bottles of wine, champagne, or liquor for a toast. By this point, your bridesmaids have fulfilled their various duties. They’ve worked hard for you these past weeks (and for some, months), so let them know how much it all means to you with a toast. Take a moment to thank your friends for being with you on your special day.
- Customized snack bags: You know your bridal party and their likes and dislikes. Order a few special treats to surprise them on the big day.
- Fun flats: get matching flats or flip-flips for the party so they can be comfy in style.
- Sunglasses: if you’re getting married on a sunny day (and we hope you are, unless winter is your thing), get fun sunglasses for your pals. These will also come in handy, so no one squints too hard and cracks their eye makeup.
- Pinch Provisions Pom Pom Mini-Mergency kit: Sure you don’t NEED a gold, glittery bag full of rose-colored pom-poms and other emergency items like safety pins, painkillers, and more. But you want it. In the pro column, the kits contain a lot of the items you need, in addition to being totally adorable.

Now that you’ve prepped, planned, and splurged, you’re ready to handle any emergency your wedding day will throw at you.
Did you prepare an emergency kit on your big day? For those blissfully married women out there – is there anything you wish you had the day of your wedding that you’d advise soon-to-be brides to keep nearby? Inquiring minds would like to know! And if you’re excited to explore additional ideas and wedding inspiration, visit our Facebook and Pinterest pages!